Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Triduum Indifference

I came back to the Church in the summer of 2001, so this is my 8th Triduum as a "Revert" (as opposed to a Convert). Every year since 2001, I've gone to Holy Thursday Mass, Good Friday services, the Easter Vigil, and often mass on Easter Sunday as well. It has been the highlight of the year.

This year, I am indifferent almost to the point of apathetic about them. I just have no enthusiasm at all. I know that part of my issue is the tailspin of depression that my job has caused. I've thought about going to services at other parishes, but I can't even garner any enthusiasm for doing that. . . all I want to do is crawl in bed and sleep all day.

I know that I'm not violating any of the precepts of the Church, or commiting a mortal sin by not attending, but what do I do about the fact that I don't "want" to go?

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